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Large Pork Sampler Bundle

Large Pork Sampler Bundle

  • Grab 22 cuts of our pasture-raised pork! Plan your meals from breakfast to dinner - bacon to roasts - with our customers’ favorite cuts! This bundle includes around 25 lbs. total!

    You will receive: 

    - Pork Ham Roast (2-3 lbs.)

    - 2 Packs of Bone-In Porkchops (4 chops total) 

    - 4 Packs of Boneless Porkchops (8 chops total)

    - Stew Meat (1 - 1.30 lbs.)

    - 2 Packs of Mild Pork Patties (1lb. per pack)

    - 2 Packs of Pork Mild Links (1 - 1.30 lbs.)

    - 2 Packs of Sliced Nitrate-free Bacon (1lb. per pack)

    - 2 Packs of Smoked Ham Steak Slices (2 slices per pack)

    - 6 lbs. of Pork Mild Sausage

    Plan your meals, from breakfast to dinner, with our customers’ favorite cuts of pastured pork! This bundle includes the most popular cuts raised on pasture without the use of hormones or antibiotics. 

  • Pick-up from the farm is available by appointment only. After choosing the option at checkout and submitting your order, we will contact you directly. You can also get your pasture-raised goods delivered straight to your door every other Thursday (your order must be in by Tuesday of that week).

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