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Goat Milk Caramels

Each small batch is made with the goat milk from our registered Nigerian Dwarf Goats. Because the dairy has a whopping 6% - 10% butterfat, these candies are very creamy and soft, leaving a rich caramel flavor in your mouth. Beware that once you have one, you might not be able to resist another!

- a customer from the first event the caramels attended

"These are the best caramels I've ever had!"

Behind the Scenes


Step 1

Getting the goat milk

 Twice a day, the dairy goats are milked by Olivia. They have a special diet of sweet feed, good quality hay, and alfalfa cubes that improve the flavor of the milk. 

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Step 2

Making the caramels

It can take around 30 minutes until the caramel mixture reaches its needed temperature - well over 230 degrees. Once it is done, flavoring is added as well as any toppings or additions.

Step 3

The cooling time

The caramel is poured into its tray, then chilled between 4 - 5 hours in the refrigerator before it is solid enough to cut.


Step 4

Cutting the pieces

The caramels are hand cut in bite sized pieces and wrapped for the boxes.


Step 5

Finishing the packing

The wrapped caramels are placed in their 5 oz. boxes and labeled. You can find them online, in the Painted Tree (Crestview Hills, KY), or at various farmers' markets/vendor events we attend.


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Let us know what you think!

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